The month with the lowest average high temperature in Reston, Virginia is January, with an average of 39.7°F. This city receives an average of 43 inches of rainfall per year, which is higher than the national average of 38 inches. Reston also has an average of 22 inches of snow per year, which is lower than the national average of 28 inches. The typical temperature in May ranges from a high of 75°F (24°C) to a low of 55°F (13°C). This weather can be described as slightly cool with a gentle breeze.
What is the Average Temperature in Reston, VA?
Find out what the average temperature is in Reston, VA. Learn about the climate and weather in this city, including rainfall and snowfall averages.
Jeri Saulters29-01-20230 minutes 27, seconds read

Jeri Saulters
Passionate travel ninja. Professional internet aficionado. Evil bacon nerd. Evil bacon fan. Hardcore foodaholic.